5 Easy Tips to Help You Choose the Best Home Remodelling Contractor

Are you planning a home remodelling project? Do you want to know what to look for when choosing a contractor? Home remodelling is an exciting endeavour many homeowners seek to take on. In fact, in the second quarter of 2021, home renovation application loans increased by 30%. Even during a global pandemic, Canadians want to develop the home of their dreams with custom renovations.

In order to achieve your dream home, as well as have a successful, smooth, and seamless renovation process, you must ensure the right people are on the job. More specifically, you need to have a competent and professional contractor.

Choose the Best Home Remodelling Contractor - Riverview Custom Homes

Without such an individual, the process to create the house of your dreams can turn into a nightmare. But how do you find the best remodelling contractor for the job? Keep reading to find out.

1. Reach out to friends & family

All of us know somebody – whether it’s a relative or close friend – who has gone through the remodelling process before. And whether it’s your first time or not, it’s always a good idea to first consult with those in your inner circle who have already done it.

The reason being is that if your connection recommends you to a contractor, it means they trust this particular contractor and their business. They wouldn’t refer you to them otherwise. This can save you a lot of time and hassle trying to sift through the plethora of contracting companies.

You’re essentially removing an entire step by getting a recommendation for a contractor who has already proven himself to be reliable and trustworthy. Work smarter, not harder.

2. Check online reviews

Regardless of whether you get recommendations from connections or you find the contracting company yourself, be sure to review their online presence. More specifically, their reviews. These will say much more about their code of conduct, levels of professionalism, and the degree of integrity with which they operate than anything else.

If you see a myriad of scathing reviews of angry customers, this is obviously a red flag. Steer clear and continue your search. On the other hand, if people are generally happy and satisfied with the contractor’s service, then congratulations, you may have a winner!

If the company doesn’t have any online reviews, this should be a warning, but not a deal-breaker. Some companies are just getting started in business, while others may have just recently joined the online space (better late than never), and as a result, have yet to produce those raving reviews.

If such is the case, call and ask for testimonials from previous clients.

3. Weigh out your options

Once you have a few contractor companies in mind, compare your options. See which ones you like best. If possible, ask for “before and after” photos of other projects they’ve worked on. It will help solidify your choice if you have something tangible to see what the quality of their workmanship is.

Moreover, it will give you a visual representation that will be impossible to deny. If you notice things about their work that you don’t like – ask for another photo of a different job. If a similar blemish is spotted again, then you have found a pattern in their craftsmanship that you should take care to avoid.

4. Certification and licensing

Once you’ve narrowed your search down to a few, you’ll want to dig a little deeper. Ask for any certifications, accreditation, as well as licensing information pertinent to your home renovation project. This is simply a precautionary measure to ensure your contractor is not only competent, but operating legally.

Home renovation projects are difficult as is, the last thing you need is additional trouble from the law because you failed to exercise a little due diligence. If your prospective contractor is unable to provide this information, consider it a red flag and move on to the next company.

5. Connect with their team

It’s important to know the kinds of people that you’re hiring. You don’t have to become buddy-buddy with everyone. However, if you meet and connect with the workers who will be carrying out the project – and find that you like and trust them – you’ll feel a greater sense of confidence knowing that your home is in good hands.

And this will do wonders for your peace of mind during the process. If you get an unpleasant or uneasy feeling from your contractor’s team, this may be cause for concern and you might want to reconsider that particular business relationship.

Final Thoughts

With over 10 years of experience providing custom luxury renovations in Calgary, Riverview continues to awe clients with stunning architecture and unique, one-of-a-kind home creations. We pride ourselves on being able to bring your vision to life with quality craftsmanship.

If you’d like additional information about Riverview and how we can serve you, get in contact with us today to learn more.